Rendering Settings

The viewport supports some customization in its rendering. These settings are accessible under Settings > Rendering:

Menu bar button for launching the render settings dialog

This launches a dialog containing a handful of configuration options:

Render settings dialog

A description of these options are as follows:

Option Description
Background Color Color of the background
Ambient lighting Global lighting level, ranging 0.0-1.0
Lighting Follows Camera Forcing lighting direction to follow the camera when enabled
Lighting Direction Direction vector for the global directional lighting
Lighting Color Color of the light source
Sphere Quality Number of subdivisions to use when generating sphere models
Sphere Frame Quality Number of subdivisions to use when generating sphere frame models
Arrow Quality Number of subdivisions to use when generating arrow models
FOV Field-of-view, in degrees
Near Plane Distance to near-plane used in projections
Far Plane Distance to far-plane used in projections
Show Axes Whether to render the coordinate axes