Rendering Settings
The viewport supports some customization in its rendering.
These settings are accessible under Settings > Rendering
This launches a dialog containing a handful of configuration options:
A description of these options are as follows:
Option | Description |
Background Color | Color of the background |
Ambient lighting | Global lighting level, ranging 0.0-1.0 |
Lighting Follows Camera | Forcing lighting direction to follow the camera when enabled |
Lighting Direction | Direction vector for the global directional lighting |
Lighting Color | Color of the light source |
Sphere Quality | Number of subdivisions to use when generating sphere models |
Sphere Frame Quality | Number of subdivisions to use when generating sphere frame models |
Arrow Quality | Number of subdivisions to use when generating arrow models |
FOV | Field-of-view, in degrees |
Near Plane | Distance to near-plane used in projections |
Far Plane | Distance to far-plane used in projections |
Show Axes | Whether to render the coordinate axes |